Diesel generators

Diesel generators

Blog Article

Diesel generator is a device that converts chemical energy in fossil fuel (diesel) in diesel generator into electrical energy.

More precisely, this energy conversion is done continuously by using a diesel engine connected to an AC generator. The kinetic energy or rotational force required to move the generator is received from the crankshaft of the diesel generator engine. Every emergency or permanent power generation device usually has a fuel tank, control board and radiator in its engine section.

Diesel generators or diesel generators are one of the small power generating equipments that are famous today as the power suppliers of small power plants, and diesel is the main engine fuel of these devices.

Each diesel generator consists of a set of different parts. The general parts of a diesel generator are: diesel engine, generator, engine starting system, canopy (silent room), fuel tank, radiator water heater, manual oil drain pump, battery, engine wiring, emergency switch and performance control equipment. The most important part of which is the control board of the device. Diesel generators are usually used to generate permanent and emergency electricity for buildings, villas, offices, companies, hospitals, workshops, public centers, etc.


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